Pro Bono Resources
The Judicial Council of California has approved a resolution endorsing National Pro Bono Week of October 24 - 31st.
The American Bar Association Center on Pro Bono - The Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service is the ABA's center of activity for the development and promotion of pro bono policies and initiatives.
The State Bar Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services (SCDLS) has compiled a set of Pro Bono Tools to assist bar associations in their efforts to encourage and strengthen pro bono activities.
The Pro Bono Institute: Established in 1996, the Pro Bono Institute is a non-profit organization housed at the Georgetown University Law Center that provides research, consultative services, analysis and assessment, publications, and training to a broad range of legal audiences.
Corporate Pro Bono (CPBO): A national pro bono partnership project of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) and the Pro Bono Institute (PBI).
The Stanford Center on Ethics' Pro Bono Professors Online Resource: Information for non-profit organizations who seek pro bono assistance from academic experts.
Pro Bono Awards and Certificates
State Bar President's Pro Bono Service Awards: Information about the awards, past recipients and nominations information.
State Bar Wiley Manuel Certificates for Pro Bono Legal Services: Instructions and Certification for Pro Bono Coordinators