What is OneJustice?
California has the country's largest low-income population - approximately 6.4 million residents living at or below the poverty line. The number of people experiencing extreme economic hardship in California is equal to the number of people who live in the entire state of Massachusetts.
Most low-income families experience legal barriers relating to basic human needs. Often low-income people need legal help just to gain access to housing, health care, food, and other basic needs that many of us take for granted.
At OneJustice, we know that Californians are suffering, because they need legal help but don't know where to turn, or the help is just not available where they live. Justice doesn't truly exist when low-income Californians cannot access the help they need.
California's legal community strives to prevent this suffering. We have a network of almost 100 nonprofits dedicated to providing free legal help. They work with hundreds of volunteers - lawyers and law students who believe in giving back to their communities.
Every day, OneJustice works with lawyers and law students to empower California's most vulnerable people who need legal help just to meet essential life necessities. OneJustice makes sure the help is there when and where it is needed.
For more information about OneJustice, please visit one-justice.org