About Us
The mission of the SoCal Pro Bono Center is to support pro bono legal services throughout Southern California by providing a wide range of information that is designed to link pro bono advocates with legal service programs in our local communities. Whether you are a private practitioner, a law student, a law firm, law school, or a public interest law group, this site is your network for identifying legal service programs and volunteer opportunities and will assist in your representation of low income or disadvantaged clients.
We are a joint project of OneJustice, Pro Bono Net, and pro bono programs at legal services providers throughout Southern California. The site offers a regional training calendar, clinic calendar, news and alerts section, list servs, and the Pro Bono Programs Guide, which is a searchable database of pro bono projects and opportunities around the region.
Please note, this site is not intended for members of the general public who may be seeking legal assistance. If you need legal help, please search LawHelpCalifornia.org to find resources in your area.